Tim’s Little Testimony of Ultimate Spiritual Truth.

The author, Timothy Crawshaw in prayer on the island of patmos, greece, where the book of revelation in the new testament was written.

I'm going to be upfront and tell you with 100 percent certainty that life is not just what we experience with our senses in the physical world if you didn’t already know. 

There is, if you like, a whole other dimension of reality that exists in the world of spirit regardless if we believe it or not.

This other world of the spirit is where ultimate reality exists, where God lives and wants us to have a relationship with us here on the Earth and in eternity.

My spiritual experiences have been backed up by the Bible or preceded by what the Bible says. I can say it is real, it is powerful, it is life transforming.

For the skeptics or people who only trust science who say God's existence can't be proven, my response can be found in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 2:14

Now the natural man doesn’t receive the things of God’s Spirit, for they are foolishness to him, and he can’t know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

FAITH regardless of the amount, is what ignites and creates the conditions to have a supernatural encounter or personal relationship with God that enables spiritual discernment.

People who don’t have any faith therefore are not qualified to educate or create laws about ultimate reality or spiritual matters they have no discernment of.

I've had countless life changing supernatural encounters with God and interact with Him in prayer supernaturally every day which is backed up by the Bible. It has all led me to this point - to lead you to the truth in regard to your own spirituality and where you fit in the picture in God's plan and understanding ultimate spiritual reality.

There is a pecking order in the spiritual world.

The spirit realm has a hierarchical pecking order of power and authority with two opposing sides at war with each other to expand their own respective interests in the unseen realms and on the Earth. It is a war of good versus evil, light versus darkness and heaven versus hell.

At the top of the pecking order is God the Father who also has other names written in the Bible including "I AM", "Yahweh", "YHWH", "The God of Israel”. 

Next in line is Jesus Christ, the human form of God the Father (his spirit in the likeness of flesh). Jesus remains in human form in the spirit world as he is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The Holy Spirit proceeds from both Jesus and God the Father and one of His main functions is to connect the spiritual realm of heaven with the natural physical realm (Earth) so we can communicate with God, follow His leading to understand what God wants us to do and manifest heaven on Earth. They are all connected with each other through what is called “THE TRINITY” - 3 in ONE.

Think of the Kingdom of Heaven spiritually as another dimension of reality where God’s perfection exists. Unlike in the material world where there is evil, death, disease, sin and lies, there is none of this in God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit in their PERFECT spiritual kingdom. Through prayer and relationship with Jesus we can come into contact with this spiritual realm in our daily lives.

The ultimate aims of the Kingdom of God are to: 

  • Reveal God’s character, glory and Goodness through love in the world of spirit (heaven) and on the Earth.

  • Remove the obstacles involving the separation between God and humans through Jesus (the spiritual door or portal to God) so we can perceive the ultimate truth of our existence and receive salvation which includes eternal life.

  • Give life to the full for God’s people (people who believe in Jesus)

  • Worship God in unity with a spiritual understanding that the truth of our being lies in him.

Everything else in the spiritual realm and on the Earth by default is at war with the Kingdom of God under the leadership of Satan or The Devil. 

The Ultimate Aim of The Devil’s Kingdom is:

  • To confuse people about the meaning of life (just like the movie The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey).

  • To deceive people into a false understanding of ultimate truth. Eg. deceive that only material world exists, deceive that the meaning of life is to get rich, deceive with a false spiritual belief system.

  • To prevent people acknowledging Jesus as the way to salvation with God.

  • To chain people in bondage like addictions or physical suffering so that it is harder for people to seek God or want to.

  • To create problems in life so that God gets the blame (when really it is not him at all). The truth is Jesus is always the giver of life and the Devil is the destroyer (read John 10 in the Bible).

  • To tempt people to sin. Sin causes separation from God spiritually. Jesus died on the cross to supernaturally remove sin and restore relationship with God for all who believe in him in faith. If Jesus isn’t asked to remove sin in a person's life they remain “of the world” which by default is the Devil's kingdom and don’t go to heaven when they die. Why? Because Heaven, where Jesus and God exist, are free of sin. Belief in Jesus is what God requires to let people into heaven because they acknowledge that Jesus has taken all their sin on the cross.

Any spiritual practice, world system, attitude or person that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ at the top of the spiritual pecking order hierarchy with God in ultimate reality by default falls under the spiritual jurisdiction of THE DEVIL because ultimate truth has not been acknowledged. 

Even the demons that Jesus cast out of people acknowledged that He was at the top of the spiritual pecking order and had ALL authority over them to do what he liked. Read the account from the Bible in Luke chapter 8.

It is imperative for people to know that denial of Jesus and God in favor of counterfeit spiritual practices, worldviews and lifestyles is  metaphorically living on a sinking ship, the losing side which will result in destruction on Earth and for eternity. Who in their right mind wants to be a loser?

Now, I can guarantee that if you felt a sudden rejection of what I wrote in the last paragraph, there are spiritual forces at work working against you from coming to know and receiving the truth about Jesus. You might just recognise it as a feeling such as anger but remember anger or anything destructive comes from the dark-not the light. The spiritual themes here are just like in Star Wars - you are being fought over by the dark side who in ultimate reality is led by THE DEVIL.

Pay attention to these uncomfortable feelings or thoughts - they are blessings in disguise and proof of the two warring kingdoms fighting for control of you and that you are on the right path.

Let me pray for you so that Jesus can reveal the truth to you Himself:

“Jesus in accordance with 1 John Chapter 4 in the Bible, I ask you right now to please supernaturally reveal to the reader that only you and God with the Holy Spirit can be trusted in spiritual matters and ultimate reality”.

Now, I’m going to invite you to ask Jesus the same question yourself that I just prayed for you:

Say something like: “Jesus I ask you to please supernaturally reveal yourself to me, that only you God and the Holy Spirit can be trusted regarding spirituality and ultimate reality”.

Now my advice now is to come into a state of humility, surrender, be still, quiet and release all control for the question to be answered over to Jesus and wait.

Jesus may answer immediately or may take a little while but I promise you this - his timing and response will be perfectly tailored just for you because He knows you!

If you found this interesting or are interested in learning more please also read:

Jesus For the Beginner (and How to Receive Him). CLicK on the TITLE.

God bless you.